We'll Always Protect You
Megan always has nightmares about people hurting her. But she knows that she has a new family that will protect her. She knows that I'll always protect her.
Original source: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7100387/1/We-ll-Always-Protect-You
Chapters: 1
Words: 258
Rated: Fiction K+ - Language: English - Genre: Family/Hurt/Comfort - Characters: Ludwig Von Koopa - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1
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We'll Always Protect You
Hi everyone! I hope you'll like this story.
Disclaimer: I only own my OCs!
Every night. Every night. It happens. Megan wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. Ever since that day we saved her from that devil Toad Justin, she always has those dreams. Those nightmares.
She tells me how Justin hurt her. She asks me:
"What if it happens again?" Luke and Jackie say:
"Don't worry. It will never happen again."
I try to calm her down and she falls asleep. She dreams about her parents. Her old parents.
In her dream, her father abused her. Her mother, sitting there, watching. This happens every single night.
Then the nightmares get worse and worse. In one of her dreams, Justin ran up to her holding a knife. Megan tried to run, but the Toad grabbed her arm. He jabbed the knife threw her heart. Seconds later she fell to the floor, dead.
In another dream, her old parents hurt her so bad, that they killed her.
The next night, it happened again. I came into the room and hugged her. She turned to me and said:
"Papa, what if th-that Toad tried to hurt me again?" I said:
"Don't vorry Megan. I'll make sure that it won't happen again."
I hope those dreams will go away soon. Megan knows that she has a new family that will protect her. She knows that ve'll always protect her.
I'll always protect her.
Sorry this is short. Well, please review.